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Be Rich 2022: The Bridge Between Our Differences

Andy Stanley
Oct 16, 2022

Jesus didn’t command us to agree with one another. We can disagree and love unconditionally.

You'll Be Glad You Did

Andy Stanley and Elaine Scott
Aug-Sep 2022

Good decisions get us where we want to go, and wisdom fills the gaps when we're wondering what do to.

Navigating a Turnaround

Joel Thomas, Chuck Wills and April Farmer
Jul 2022

We've all experienced situations where things weren't going well and we needed a turnaround. From one of the most famous—or for some,...

Reactions Speak Louder Than Words

Andy Stanley
Jun-Jul 2022

Actions speak louder than words. Reactions speak louder than either.

Voices: Darren Youngstrom

Darren Youngstrom
Jun 12, 2022

Being in the middle of something can be difficult, but getting something out of the middle is more important than getting out of the middle.
