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Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2021
When integrity gives way, something collapses and people get hurt. That's why your integrity needs to hold up—even if it costs you...
When integrity gives way, something collapses and people get hurt. That's why your integrity needs to hold up—even if it costs you something.
Tensley Alm
Jul-Aug 2021
Better than ever. It's a bold claim. But one that Jesus took seriously. Is it possible that our lives really could be... better than ever?
Clay Scroggins and April Farmer
Jun 2021
When Jesus is your only hope, you may be better off than you think.
Andy Stanley
Apr-May 2021
People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we...
People whose faith leads them to trust God in spite of their circumstances are the deepest people you’ll ever meet. In this series, we will explore five catalysts God uses to build enduring, go-the-distance faith.
Andy Stanley
Mar 2021
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying...
As children, many of us were taught to say our prayers. As we get older, we wonder, why should I pray? How should I pray? Does praying even work? Those questions deserve grown-up answers.